namespace entities\evr\security\display\forms;
use entities\html as html;
use entities\evr\security as security;

class Register extends html\Form
   public function __construct()
   protected function build_content()
      $key = security\Security::get_post_parameter("key");
      $username = security\Security::get_post_parameter("username");
      $email = security\Security::get_post_parameter("email_address");
      $join = security\Security::get_post_parameter("join");
      $markup = new html\Div("heading", null, $GLOBALS["REGISTRATION_HEADING"]);
      $markup .= $this->build_prompt($GLOBALS["NEW_USER_NAME_PROMPT"]);
      $markup .= new html\Input("username", "text", $username);
      $markup .= $this->build_prompt($GLOBALS["NEW_PASSWORD_PROMPT"]);
      $markup .= new html\Input("password[]", "password");
      $markup .= $this->build_prompt($GLOBALS["REENTER_PASSWORD_PROMPT"]);
      $markup .= new html\Input("password[]", "password");
      $markup .= $this->build_prompt($GLOBALS["EMAIL_ADDRESS_PROMPT"]);
      $markup .= new html\Input("email_address", "text", $email);
      $markup .= new html\Checkbox("join", 1, "join", $join);
      $markup .= $this->build_prompt($GLOBALS["MAILING_LIST_PROMPT"], "join");
      $markup .= new html\Input(
         "action", "submit", $GLOBALS["REGISTER_BUTTON_TEXT"]);
      $markup .= new html\Input("key", "hidden", $key);
      return $markup;
   private function build_prompt($content, $id=null)
      return new html\Div($id, "prompt", $content);
namespace entities\evr\security\display\forms;
use entities\html as html;
use entities\evr\security as security;

class Activate extends html\Form
   public function __construct()
   protected function build_content()
      $markup = new html\Input("key", "text", "key", "field", true);
      $markup .= new html\Input("action", "submit", $text, "button");
      $markup .= $this->build_hidden_fields();
      return $markup;
   private function build_hidden_fields()
      $username = security\Security::get_post_parameter("username");
      $email = security\Security::get_post_parameter("email_address");
      $join = security\Security::get_post_parameter("join");
      $markup = new html\Input("username", "hidden", $username);
      $markup .= new html\Input("email", "hidden", $email);
      $markup .= new html\Input("join", "hidden", $join);
      return $markup;
namespace entities\evr\security\display\forms;
use entities\html as html;
use entities\evr\security as security;

class Reset extends html\Form
   public function __construct()
   protected function build_content()
      $markup = new html\Div("heading", null, $GLOBALS["RESET_HEADING"]);
      $markup .= new html\Div(null, "prompt", $GLOBALS["RESET_PROMPT"]);
      $markup .= new html\Input("username", "text");
      $markup .= new html\Input(
         "action", "submit", $GLOBALS["RESET_BUTTON_TEXT"]);
      return $markup;
namespace entities\evr\security\display\forms;
use entities\html as html;

class Login extends \entities\html\Form
   public function __construct()
   protected function build_content()
      $button_text = $GLOBALS["LOGIN_BUTTON_TEXT"];
      $remember_text = $GLOBALS["REMEMBER_ME_PROMPT"];
      $markup = new html\Input("username", "text", "username", "field", true);
      $markup .= new html\Input(
         "password", "password", "XZV897aa", "field", true);
      $markup .= new html\Div("remember", null, $remember_text);
      $markup .= new html\Input("remember", "checkbox", null, "remember");
      $markup .= new html\Input("action", "submit", $button_text, "button");
      return $markup;
namespace entities\evr\security\display\forms;
use entities\html as html;
use entities\evr\security as security;

class Change extends html\Form
   public function __construct()
   protected function build_content()
      $markup = new html\Div("heading", null, $GLOBALS["CHANGE_HEADING"]);
      $markup .= $this->build_prompt($GLOBALS["EXISTING_USER_NAME_PROMPT"]);
      $markup .= new html\Input("username", "text");
      $markup .= $this->build_prompt($GLOBALS["EXISTING_PASSWORD_PROMPT"]);
      $markup .= new html\Input("old_password", "password");
      $markup .= $this->build_prompt($GLOBALS["NEW_PASSWORD_PROMPT"]);
      $markup .= new html\Input("password[]", "password");
      $markup .= $this->build_prompt($GLOBALS["REENTER_PASSWORD_PROMPT"]);
      $markup .= new html\Input("password[]", "password");
      $markup .= new html\Input(
         "action", "submit", $GLOBALS["CHANGE_BUTTON_TEXT"]);
      return $markup;
   private function build_prompt($content, $id=null)
      return new html\Div($id, "prompt", $content);
namespace entities\security\operators;

class Activator
   public function __construct($key)
      $this->key = $key;
      $this->hashes = file($GLOBALS["HASHES_PATH"], FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES);
   private function verify_key()
      foreach ($this->hashes as $hash)
         if ($hash == crypt($this->key, $hash))
            echo "FOUND $this->key as $hash";
      echo "DIDN'T FIND $this->key";
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "pattern.h"
#include "read.h"

char* parse_pattern(FILE* input_file, char* character)
   char* raw_pattern = read_next_line(input_file, character);
   sequence* pattern = malloc(sizeof(struct sequence));
   int* ii = malloc(sizeof(int));
   *ii = 0;
   build_sequence(pattern, raw_pattern, ii);
   print_pattern(pattern, 0);
   char* sequence_array = build_array_from_sequence(pattern);
   printf("%s\n\n", sequence_array);
   return sequence_array;

void build_sequence(sequence* sequence, char* raw_pattern, int* ii)
   int jj = 0;
   char* color_order = malloc(sizeof(char));
   while (raw_pattern[*ii])
      if (isalnum(raw_pattern[*ii]))
         if (raw_pattern[(*ii)-1] == OPEN_BRACKET || *ii == 0)
            char* number_string = extract_word_from_string(raw_pattern, ii);
            sequence->iterations = atoi(number_string);
            color_order = append_character(color_order, raw_pattern[*ii]);
      else if (raw_pattern[*ii] == CLOSE_BRACKET)
         if (strlen(color_order) > 0) sequence->sequence = color_order;
         if (raw_pattern[(*ii)+1] != CLOSE_BRACKET && raw_pattern[(*ii)+1])
            initiate_next_sequence(sequence, raw_pattern, ii);
      else if (raw_pattern[*ii] == OPEN_BRACKET)
         initiate_next_sequence(sequence, raw_pattern, ii);
   if (strlen(color_order) > 0) sequence->sequence = color_order;

void initiate_next_sequence(sequence* sequence, char* raw_pattern, int* ii)
   if (raw_pattern[(*ii)-1] == CLOSE_BRACKET)
      sequence->next = malloc(sizeof(struct sequence));
      build_sequence(sequence->next, raw_pattern, ii);
      sequence->child = malloc(sizeof(struct sequence));
      build_sequence(sequence->child, raw_pattern, ii);

char* extract_word_from_string(char* string, int* ii)
   int jj;
   char* word = malloc(sizeof(char));
   for (jj = 0; isdigit(string[*ii]); jj++)
      word[jj] = string[(*ii)++];
      word = realloc(word, sizeof(char) * (jj+2));
   word[jj] = '\0';
   return word;

char* build_array_from_sequence(sequence* sequence)
   char* sequence_array = malloc(sizeof(char));
   sequence_array = add_sequence_to_array(sequence_array, sequence);
   return sequence_array;

char* add_sequence_to_array(char* array, sequence* sequence)
   if (sequence == NULL) return;
   int ii;
   for (ii = 0; ii < sequence->iterations; ii++)
      if (sequence->sequence)
         int new_length = strlen(array) + strlen(sequence->sequence);
         array = realloc(array, sizeof(char) * (new_length+1));
         strcat(array, sequence->sequence);
         array[new_length] = '\0';
         array = add_sequence_to_array(array, sequence->child);
   array = add_sequence_to_array(array, sequence->next);
   return array;

char* append_character(char* string, char character)
   int length = strlen(string);
   string = realloc(string, sizeof(char) * (length+2));
   string[length] = character;
   string[length+1] = '\0';
   return string;

void print_pattern(sequence* sequence, int level)
   if (sequence == NULL) return;
   printf("%*d: ", level*3, sequence->iterations);
   if (sequence->sequence)
      printf("%s", sequence->sequence);
   print_pattern(sequence->child, level+1);
   print_pattern(sequence->next, level);
March 22, 2020

The chicken nugget business starter kit is now available online! Send me any amount of money through Venmo or PayPal, and I will mail you a package which will enable you to start a chicken nugget business of your own, play a video game any time you want, introduce a new character into your Animal Crossing village, and start collecting the chicken nugget trading cards.

The kit includes:

  • jellybean
  • instruction manual
  • limited edition trading card

By following the instructions you'll learn how to cook your own chicken or tofu nugget and be well on your way to financial success. I'm also throwing in one randomly selected card from the limited edition trading card set. Collect them, trade them, and if you get all eighteen and show me your set, I will give you an exclusive video game product.

All orders are processed within a day, so you can have your kit on your doorstep as quickly as possible. Don't sleep on this offer! Click the PayPal button or send a Venmo payment of any amount to @ohsqueezy, and in a matter of days you'll be counting money and playing video games.

PayPal me