namespace printf;

function pre_print_r($string)
namespace tree;

function get_full_paths(
   $node, $skip_root=False, $path=array(), $paths=array(), $depth=0)
   if ($depth > 0 || !$skip_root)
      $path[] = $node->content;
   if (isset($node->children))
      foreach ($node->children as $child)
         $paths = get_full_paths($child, $skip_root, $path, $paths, $depth + 1);
   if (!isset($node->children))
      $paths[] = $path;
   return $paths;
namespace tree;

class Node
   public function __construct($content)
      $this->content = $content;
namespace tree;

require_once "Node.php";

function array_to_tree($array, $root=null)
   if (is_null($root))
      $root = new Node($array[0]);
      array_splice($array, 0, 1);
   for ($ii = 0; $ii < count($array); $ii++)
      $child = new Node($array[$ii]);
      $root->children[] = $child;
      if ($ii < count($array) - 1)
         array_to_tree(array_slice($array, $ii+1), $child);
   return $root;
namespace tree;

function get_paths_terminating_at_root(
   $node, $length=null, $path=array(), $depth=0, $paths=array())
   $path[] = $node->content;
   if (isset($node->children))
      foreach ($node->children as $child)
         $paths = get_paths_terminating_at_root(
            $child, $length, $path, $depth + 1, $paths);
         if ($depth == 0)
            $paths = get_paths_terminating_at_root(
               $child, $length, array(), $depth + 1, $paths);
   if (!isset($node->children))
      if (is_null($length) || count($path) == $length)
         $paths[] = $path;
   return $paths;
namespace tree;

require_once "Node.php";

function matrix_to_tree($matrix, $root=null, $ii=0)
   if (is_null($root))
      $root = new Node("Root");
   foreach ($matrix[$ii] as $ancestor)
      $child = new Node($ancestor);
      $root->children[] = $child;
      if ($ii < count($matrix) - 1)
         matrix_to_tree($matrix, $child, $ii + 1);
   return $root;
namespace tree;

require_once "Node.php";

function string_to_tree($str, $root=null)
   if (is_null($root))
      $root = new Node($str[0]);
      $str = substr($str, 1);
   for ($ii = 0; $ii < strlen($str); $ii++)
      $child = new Node($str[$ii]);
      $root->children[] = $child;
      if ($ii < strlen($str) - 1)
         string_to_tree(substr($str, $ii+1), $child);
   return $root;

class Node implements Iterator
   public $_value = null;
   public $_next = null;
   private $_junctions = array();
   private $_retreating = False;
   private $_current;
   public function __construct($value)
      $this->_value = $value;
      $this->_current = $this;

   public function __toString()
      return is_object($this->_value) ? "<Object>" : (string) $this->_value;

   final public function key() { return sizeof($this->_junctions); }
   final public function current() { return $this->_current; }
   final public function valid() { return $this->_current == True; }
   final public function rewind()
      $this->_current = $this;
      $this->_junctions = array();
      $this->_retreating = False;
   final public function next()
      while ($this->_current)
         if (is_object($this->_current->_value) && !$this->_retreating)
            array_push($this->_junctions, $this->_current);
            $this->_current = $this->_current->_value;
         if ($this->_current->_next)
            $this->_current = $this->_current->_next;
            $this->_retreating = False;
         $this->_current = array_pop($this->_junctions);
         $this->_retreating = True;

   final public function count()
      return ((is_object($this->_value)) ? $this->_value->count() : 0) +
         (($this->_next) ? $this->_next->count() : 0) + 1;

   final public function measure_depth()
      $current = $this;
      while ($current)
         if (is_object($current->_value))
            $nodes[] = 1 + $current->_value->measure_depth();
         $current = $current->_next;
      return ($nodes) ? max($nodes) : 1;

   public function adopt($new, $unique, $offset=0, $additional_unique_field="")
      if ($unique)
         if ($this->replace_child($new, $offset, $additional_unique_field))

   private function replace_child($new, $offset=0, $additional_field="")
      $current_offset = 0;
      $current = $this->_value;
      while ($current && $next = $current->_next)
         $fields = array("_name", $additional_field);
         if ($this->match_fields($next, $new, $fields))
            if ($current_offset++ == $offset)
               $new->_next = $next->_next;
               $current->_next = $new;
               return True;
         $current = $current->_next;
      return False;

   private function match_fields($current, $new, $fields)
      if (!is_array($fields)) $fields = array($fields);

      foreach ($fields as $field)
         if ($field && $current->$field != $new->$field)
            return False;
      return True;

   private function insert_child($new)
      if ($this->check_for_static_data())
         echo "Can't adopt $new, static data exists in parent\n";
      if (is_null($this->_value))
         $this->_value = $new;
      $current = $this->_value;
      while ($current->_next && $current = $current->_next);
      $current->_next = $new;

   private function check_for_static_data()
      if ($this->_value && !is_object($this->_value))
         return True;
      return False;

   public function remove_child($name, $offset=0)
      $previous = null;
      $current = $this->_value;
      $current_offset = 0;
      while ($current)
         if ($current->_name == $name)
            if ($offset == $current_offset++)
               $this->delete_node($current, $previous);
               return True;
         $previous = $current;
         $current = $current->_next;
      return False;

   private function delete_node($node, $previous=null)
      if (!$previous)
         $this->_value = $node->_next;
      $previous->_next = $node->_next;

   public function search(
      $token, $recursive=False, $match_by_class=False, $offset=null,
      $include_root=True, $depth=0, $current_offset=0, $matches=array())
      if ($include_root || $depth > 0)
            $token, $matches, $match_by_class, $offset, $current_offset);
      if (is_object($this->_value) && ($recursive || $depth == 0))
         $matches = $this->_value->search(
            $token, $recursive, $match_by_class, $offset, $include_root, $depth+1,
            0, $matches);
      if ($depth > 0 && $this->_next)
         $matches = $this->_next->search(
            $token, $recursive, $match_by_class, $offset, $include_root, $depth,
            $current_offset, $matches);
      return is_array($matches) && sizeof($matches) == 1 ? $matches[0] : $matches;

   private function add_match(
      $token, &$matches, $match_by_class, $offset, &$current_offset)
      $match = $this->inspect_token($token, $match_by_class);
      if (!is_null($match))
         if (is_null($offset) || $offset == $current_offset)
            if (!is_array($matches))
               $matches = array($matches);
            $matches[] = $match;

   protected function find_next_capable_sibling($method)
      $match = method_exists($this, $method) ? $this : null;
      if (!$match)
         if ($this->_next)
            $match = $this->_next->find_next_capable_sibling($method);
      return $match;

   public function find_next_particular_sibling($class_name)
      $match = $this instanceof $class_name ? $this : null;
      if (!$match)
         if ($this->_next)
            $match = $this->_next->find_next_particular_sibling($class_name);
      return $match;
September 13, 2013

from array import array
from time import sleep

import pygame
from pygame.mixer import Sound, get_init, pre_init

class Note(Sound):

    def __init__(self, frequency, volume=.1):
        self.frequency = frequency
        Sound.__init__(self, self.build_samples())

    def build_samples(self):
        period = int(round(get_init()[0] / self.frequency))
        samples = array("h", [0] * period)
        amplitude = 2 ** (abs(get_init()[1]) - 1) - 1
        for time in xrange(period):
            if time < period / 2:
                samples[time] = amplitude
                samples[time] = -amplitude
        return samples

if __name__ == "__main__":
    pre_init(44100, -16, 1, 1024)

This program generates and plays a 440 Hz tone for 5 seconds. It can be extended to generate the spectrum of notes with a frequency table or the frequency formula. Because the rewards in Send are idealized ocean waves, they can also be represented as tones. Each level has a tone in its goal and a tone based on where the player's disc lands. Both play at the end of a level, sounding harmonic for a close shot and discordant for a near miss. The game can dynamically create these tones using the program as a basis.

I'm also building an algorithmically generated song: Silk Routes (Scissored). Here is an example of how it sounds so far.